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AudioTrack(subsonic, id, name=None, languageCode=None)

Bases: Model

Object that holds all the info about an audio track.


Name Type Description
id str

The ID of the audio track.

name str | None

The name of the audio track.

language_code str | None

The code of the language in which the audio track is in.

Source code in .venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/knuckles/models/
def __init__(
    subsonic: "Subsonic",
    id: str,
    name: str | None = None,
    languageCode: str | None = None,
) -> None:
    super().__init__(subsonic) = id = name
    self.language_code = languageCode

Captions(subsonic, id, name=None)

Bases: Model

Object that holds all the info about captions:


Name Type Description
id str

The ID of the captions.

name str | None

The ID of the captions.

Source code in .venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/knuckles/models/
def __init__(self, subsonic: "Subsonic", id: str, name: str | None = None) -> None:
    super().__init__(subsonic) = id = name

Video(subsonic, id, title=None, parent=None, album=None, artist=None, track=None, year=None, genre=None, coverArt=None, size=None, contentType=None, suffix=None, transcodedContentType=None, transcodedSuffix=None, duration=None, bitRate=None, path=None, userRating=None, averageRating=None, playCount=None, discNumber=None, created=None, starred=None, albumId=None, artistId=None, type=None, bookmarkPosition=None, originalWidth=None, originalHeight=None, played=None, bpm=None, comment=None, sortName=None, musicBrainzId=None, genres=None, artists=None, displayArtist=None, albumArtists=None, displayAlbumArtist=None, contributors=None, displayComposer=None, moods=None, replayGain=None)

Bases: Model

Object that holds all the info about a video.


Name Type Description
id str

The ID of the song.

title str | None

The title of the song.

parent str | None

The ID of the parent of the song.

track int | None

The track

year int | None

The year when the song was released.

genre Genre | None

All the info related with the genre of the song.

size int | None

The size of the file of the song.

content_type str | None

The HTTP ContentType of the file of the song.

suffix str | None

The suffix of the filename of the file of the song.

transcoded_content_type str | None

The HTTP ContentType of the transcoded file of the song.

transcoded_suffix str | None

The suffix of the filename of the transcoded file of the song.

duration int | None

The duration in seconds of the song.

bit_rate int | None

The bit rate of the song.

path str | None

The path of the song.

user_rating int | None

The rating given to the song by the user.

average_rating float | None

The average rating of all the user for the song.

play_count int | None

The number of the times the song has been played.

disc_number int | None

The disc number of the song.

type str | None

The type of media.

bookmark_position int | None

The position in seconds where the song is bookmarked for the authenticated user.

album Album | None

All the info related with the album of the song.

artist Artist | None

All the info related with the main artist of the song.

cover_art CoverArt | None

All the info related with the cover art of the song.

created datetime | None

The timestamp when the song was created.

starred datetime | None

The timestamp when the song was starred by the authenticated user if they have.

played datetime | None

The timestamp when the song was last played.

bpm int | None

The bpm of the song.

comment str | None

The comment of the song.

sort_name str | None

The sort name of the song.

music_brainz_id str | None

The ID of the MusicBrainz entry of the song.

genres list[ItemGenre | None

List that holds all the info about all the genres of the song.

artists list[Artist] | None

List that holds all the info about all the artists that made the song.

display_artist str | None

The display name of the artist of the song.

album_artists list[Artist] | None

List that holds all the info about all the artists that made the album where the song is from.

display_album_artist str | None

THe display name of the artist of the album of the song.

contributors list[Contributor] | None

List that holds all the info about all the contributors of the song.

display_composer str | None

The display name of the composer of the song.

moods list[str] | None

List off all the moods of the song.

replay_gain ReplayGain | None

All the info about the replay gain of the song.

Source code in .venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/knuckles/models/
def __init__(
    subsonic: "Subsonic",
    id: str,
    title: str | None = None,
    parent: str | None = None,
    album: str | None = None,
    artist: str | None = None,
    track: int | None = None,
    year: int | None = None,
    genre: str | None = None,
    coverArt: str | None = None,
    size: int | None = None,
    contentType: str | None = None,
    suffix: str | None = None,
    transcodedContentType: str | None = None,
    transcodedSuffix: str | None = None,
    duration: int | None = None,
    bitRate: int | None = None,
    path: str | None = None,
    userRating: int | None = None,
    averageRating: float | None = None,
    playCount: int | None = None,
    discNumber: int | None = None,
    created: str | None = None,
    starred: str | None = None,
    albumId: str | None = None,
    artistId: str | None = None,
    type: str | None = None,
    bookmarkPosition: int | None = None,
    originalWidth: None = None,
    originalHeight: None = None,
    played: str | None = None,
    bpm: int | None = None,
    comment: str | None = None,
    sortName: str | None = None,
    musicBrainzId: str | None = None,
    genres: list[dict[str, Any]] | None = None,
    artists: list[dict[str, Any]] | None = None,
    displayArtist: str | None = None,
    albumArtists: list[dict[str, Any]] | None = None,
    displayAlbumArtist: str | None = None,
    contributors: list[dict[str, Any]] | None = None,
    displayComposer: str | None = None,
    moods: list[str] | None = None,
    replayGain: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
) -> None:
    super().__init__(subsonic) str = id
    self.title: str | None = title
    self.parent: str | None = parent
    self.track: int | None = track
    self.year: int | None = year
    self.genre = Genre(self._subsonic, genre) if genre else None
    self.size: int | None = size
    self.content_type: str | None = contentType
    self.suffix: str | None = suffix
    self.transcoded_content_type: str | None = transcodedContentType
    self.transcoded_suffix: str | None = transcodedSuffix
    self.duration: int | None = duration
    self.bit_rate: int | None = bitRate
    self.path: str | None = path
    self.user_rating: int | None = userRating
    self.average_rating: float | None = averageRating
    self.play_count: int | None = playCount
    self.disc_number: int | None = discNumber
    self.type: str | None = type
    self.bookmark_position: int | None = bookmarkPosition
    self.album = (
        album_model_module.Album(self._subsonic, albumId, name=album)
        if albumId
        else None
    self.artist = Artist(self._subsonic, artistId, artist) if artistId else None
    self.cover_art = CoverArt(self._subsonic, coverArt) if coverArt else None
    self.created = parser.parse(created) if created else None
    self.starred = parser.parse(starred) if starred else None
    self.played = parser.parse(played) if played else None
    self.bpm = bpm
    self.comment = comment
    self.sort_name = sortName
    self.music_brainz_id = musicBrainzId
    self.genres = (
        [ItemGenre(self._subsonic, **genre) for genre in genres] if genres else None
    self.artists = (
        [Artist(self._subsonic, **artist) for artist in artists]
        if artists
        else None
    self.display_artist = displayArtist
    self.album_artists = (
        [Artist(self._subsonic, **artist) for artist in albumArtists]
        if albumArtists
        else None
    self.display_album_artist = displayAlbumArtist
    self.contributors = (
        [Contributor(self._subsonic, **contributor) for contributor in contributors]
        if contributors
        else None
    self.display_composer = displayComposer
    self.moods = moods
    self.replay_gain = (
        ReplayGain(self._subsonic, **replayGain) if replayGain else None
    ) VideoInfo | None = None


Return a new video object with all the data updated from the API, using the endpoint that return the most information possible.

Useful for making copies with updated data or updating the object itself with immutability, e.g., foo = foo.generate().


Type Description

A new object with all the updated info.

Source code in .venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/knuckles/models/
def generate(self) -> "Video":
    """Return a new video object with all the data updated from the API,
    using the endpoint that return the most information possible.

    Useful for making copies with updated data or updating the object
    itself with immutability, e.g., `foo = foo.generate()`.

        A new object with all the updated info.

    video = self._subsonic.browsing.get_video(

    if video is None:
        raise ResourceNotFound()

    return video


Get all the extra info about the video, it's set to the info attribute of the object.


Type Description

The extra info returned by the server.

Source code in .venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/knuckles/models/
def get_video_info(self) -> VideoInfo:
    """Get all the extra info about the video, it's
    set to the `info` attribute of the object.

        The extra info returned by the server.
    """ = self._subsonic.browsing.get_video_info(


VideoInfo(subsonic, video_id, id, captions=None, audioTrack=None, conversion=None)

Bases: Model

Object that holds all the info about extra video info.


Name Type Description
video_id str

The ID of the video where the extra info are from.

id str

The ID of the extra info.

captions Captions | None

All the info about the captions of the video.

conversion Video | None

All the info about the converted video of this one.

audio_tracks dict[str, AudioTrack] | None

A dict that holds all the info about the audio tracks of the video, with the key being the language code of the audio track and the value the info about the track itself.

Source code in .venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/knuckles/models/
def __init__(
    subsonic: "Subsonic",
    video_id: str,
    id: str,
    captions: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
    audioTrack: list[dict[str, Any]] | None = None,
    conversion: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
) -> None:

    self.video_id = video_id = id
    self.captions = (
        Captions(subsonic=self._subsonic, **captions) if captions else None
    self.conversion = (
        Video(subsonic=self._subsonic, **conversion) if conversion else None

    self.audio_tracks: dict[str, AudioTrack] | None
    if not audioTrack:
        self.audio_track = None

    self.audio_tracks = {}
    for track in audioTrack:
        language_code = track["languageCode"]

        del track["languageCode"]
        self.audio_tracks[language_code] = AudioTrack(
            subsonic=self._subsonic, **track