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Music Directory

MusicDirectory(subsonic, id, name, parent=None, starred=None, userRating=None, averageRating=None, playCount=None, child=None)

Bases: Model

Object that holds all the info about a music directory.


Name Type Description
id str

The ID of the music directory.

name str
parent str | None
starred datetime | None

The timestamp when the music directory was starred by the authenticated user if it was.

user_rating int

The rating given by the authenticated user if they rated it.

average_rating float | None

The average rating given to the music directory.

play_count int | None

The number of times songs have been played that are in the music directory.

songs list[Song] | None

List that holds all the info about all the songs that are part of the music directory.

Source code in .venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/knuckles/models/
def __init__(
    subsonic: "Subsonic",
    id: str,
    name: str,
    parent: str | None = None,
    starred: str | None = None,
    userRating: int | None = None,
    averageRating: float | None = None,
    playCount: int | None = None,
    child: list[dict[str, Any]] | None = None,
) -> None:
    super().__init__(subsonic) = id = name
    self.parent = parent
    self.starred = parser.parse(starred) if starred else None
    self.user_rating = userRating
    self.average_rating = averageRating
    self.play_count = playCount
    self.songs = (
        [Song(subsonic=self._subsonic, **song) for song in child] if child else None